Supercharge Your Life with Brain Science

Increase your well-being with little-known secrets from the science of happiness, habits, and productivity. 

Next course starts in...


What our last cohort had to say about their experience...

Rated as one of the Best Courses for Personal Growth

"James's course has been nothing less than transformational in my business.  EVERYONE I KNOW could benefit from his wisdom and treasure trove of practical resources. If I had one piece of advice, it would be this: TAKE HIS COURSE now!"

"OUTSTANDING COURSE!! Best I've ever taken for personal and professional growth! HIGHLY RECOMMEND! Excellent insights combine leading edge brain science with practical real-life examples and a powerful toolkit. Don't want it to be over!! James is awesome!"

Kim Hodous,

Keynote Speaker

Cynthia Roney, 

Executive Advisor, 

CEO, Executive Passage,

Ex-Public Company Biotech CEO

"Believe me, as someone who reviews continuing education programs daily, James's is OUTSTANDING!"

Maria Lester, Program Accreditation Coordinator, International Coach Federation

"James has a true gift. The way he takes the science and provides the relevant bite size information at the right time in the right manner and connects so well with his target audience is incredible. Full of implementable pieces along with the relevant data/science needed to understand the root of key elements and how they all connect together. I wish there was a part 2!"

"PRACTICAL, ACCESSIBLE, and TRANSFORMATIONAL...right from the first session."

Sally Felkai,

CIO, Emily Carr University of Art and Design

Jonathan Siener, 

Senior Manager, Gavi

"Oh my, WHAT DIDN'T I LEARN in this course? This course and James were SIMPLY FANTASTIC! Brain by Design effectively and effortlessly combines science (specifically neuroscience) with real life and explains not only why we do the things we do but more importantly HOW WE CAN CHANGE it for the better by understanding and capitalizing on how our brains work (i.e. its neuroplasticity). The fact that we can impact how we show up, how we live, how we function on a deep and sustainable level was incredibly empowering.  

Brain science + real life + doable strategies + fun = this course

The instructor James is a jewel. A combination of science, wisdom, compassion, humanity and joy all wrapped up in one curious-minded body and soul. He's a life-long student and was undergoing a 1-year Deep Change project for the duration of our course. JAMES BREATHES WHAT HE TEACHES and is a natural teacher who dispenses his knowledge in such a WARM, CONVERSATIONAL manner that often you felt like you're speaking with and listening to an old friend rather than being taught. The way the course is designed with 12 self-directed (paced to an extent) pre-recorded online courses+ 6 virtual live sessions worked really well as it gave you the opportunity to go over a wealth of information in your own time and then come prepared to have a deeper discussion during the live sessions. James also provided a number of resources (i.e. books, links, key people, etc. that attendees have unlimited access to forever.) both during the pre-recorded and live sessions so you could explore the concepts more in-depth. I came away from the course feeling empowered re: the science but also with a large number of practical tips, strategies, etc. that I can confidently start applying both personally and professionally. If you're looking for a course that's LIFE-CHANGING, literally, you MUST DO Brain by Design."

Gigi Khonyongwa-Fernandez

CEO, Families Blossoming

"The course is designed and instructed in a way that KEEPS YOU captive and WANTING TO KNOW MORE. I would DEFINITELY RECOMMEND it!"

"James was very ENTERTAINING and FUN to listen to, with a gift of helping people see how their brain can work for them or against them. His course is a MUST-DO!"

Tawanna Preston, MA, Senior Vice President, 

Ginnie Mae

Susan Williams, 

CEO, YesUCan Coaching

"This course was stimulating and inspiring. Not only did I learn information that will help me as a coach; I also developed new insights to help me be happier and more productive. James is a WEALTH OF KNOWLEDGE."

"A treasure for life! The way James explains each concept, I now use with my clients -- because it helps them to understand it much better: the battery, the roads, the snow mountain, the thimble, etc. I didn't think that I could learn so many interesting and useful things in every session! It has been a wonderful experience! 


Diane Locke, MA, 

CEO, Ellis Locke

Sandra  Donadeu, 

Executive Coach

"LOVED THE COURSE!  It opens your eyes! James is WONDERFUL!"

"This was a very INNOVATIVE,

mind-stimulating course.

I would recommend it to everyone!"

Eva White, 

Director, Ginnie Mae

James Millhouse,  

Manager, Ginnie Mae

The Four-Course Bundle


The science of habits is the key to any successful change effort. If you know how to master your habits, your results will increase exponentially.In this course, you'll learn how to use proven methods like habit-stacking, keystone habits, and habit-tracking. Learning how to make or break any habit has never been easier.

Do you ever struggle with procrastination? How about distraction? Checking your phone, email, or social media too much? This is a course on the science of focus. You'll learn how to maintain your peak performance by avoiding the traps of multitasking, getting more done by working less, conquering procrastination, and staying laser focus in a hyper-distracted world.

Overcoming fear is a learnable skill. This course will give you the tools you need to help yourclients reduce anxiety, stop worrying about things they can't control, and take actions that will help them manage uncertainty. Whether they're struggling to start something new, yearning to get out of their comfort zone, or feeling socially anxious, this course will teach you how to help them unlock and lean into their courage!  

The science of happiness is one of the most powerful tools in any personal development toolbox. In this crash course on positive psychology, you'll learn how to harness the power of positive emotions, the amazing benefits of mindfulness, how to achieve “flow,” and why gratitude is a game-changer. Your happiness will never be the same.

All Courses are Certified for Continuing Coach Education Credit (CCE) through ICF.  If you're a life coach or executive coach and are looking for 22.5 CCE credits, click here to see our ICF listing. ***Coming soon = Continuing Education Certified for Nurses, Psychologists, and other Health Care Professionals.

Check out a sneak preview of the course!

Here's a brief summary of the session on 

Mini Habits from the course!

How It Works

1) Sign up for the 4-Course Bundle for $1397 (or 4 payments of $397 p/month)

3) Attend the 8 Live Sessions.  Next cohort starts Sept 7th.

We meet on Thursdays at 11:00AM PST/2:00PM EST

We meet on Thursdays at 11:00AM PST/2:00PM EST

Sept 7th = Habits

Sept 14th = Habits

Sept 21st = Productivity

Sept 28th = Productivity

Oct 5th = Overcoming Fear

Oct 12th = Overcoming Fear

Oct 19th = Happiness

Oct 26th = Happiness

Later 2023 cohort start dates are:

Nov 2, 2023

Jan 25, 2024

(If you'd like to enroll in a later cohort, you can register now and just send me an email requesting that you be put in a later cohort.)

With the bundle, you'll get the most bang for your buck -- it's the most comprehensive experience I offer and the one most people choose. 

If you'd rather sign up for a single course, no problem. They're each $497 and you still get to attend the 2 live sessions that are part of your course.

2) Go through the pre-recorded courses on your own

At your own pace, finish the videos and exercises for each course. While it's helpful to finish this part before attending the live sessions, it's not essential.

After each session, you'll submit a short reflection designed to deepen your learning. You can download that here.

4) Reach out to me with any questions

I'm more than happy to clarify any questions you may have. Feel free to email me at: 

james at

Take your life to the next level!

Gain the confidence you want by grounding your life in the science of habits, productivity, overcoming fear, and happiness.

©2021 Brain by Design, All Rights Reserved